npm workbox-webpack-plugin 3.2.0
Workbox v3.2.0

latest releases: 7.0.0, 6.6.1, 6.6.0...
6 years ago

🎉 What's New?

A new workbox-streams module

The workbox-streams module provides an easy-to-use wrapper on top of the Streams API, allowing you to create a streaming response from a sequence of multiple sources.

The new module offers a convenience workbox.streams.strategy() method that can be used as a strategy in a workbox.routing configuration, allowing you to respond to matching requests with a stream:

const apiStrategy = workbox.strategies.staleWhileRevalidate();
const streamsStrategy = workbox.streams.strategy([
  () => caches.match('start.html'),
  () => `<p>Here's an API call, using a stale-while-revalidate strategy:</p>`,
  ({event}) => apiStrategy.makeRequest({
    request: '/api/date',
  () => caches.match('end.html'),
  new RegExp('/index'),

For more information and usage examples, please see the documentation and the live demo. (#1439)

Improved resiliency during unexpected cache misses

If a cache entry that would normally be used to fulfill a request is unexpectedly missing, workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute() will now fall back to the network to obtain that response. Previously, this would lead to a failed navigation. (#1460)

precacheAndRoute() now accepts options in injectManifest mode

Previously, when using injectManifest mode with workbox-build or workbox-cli, the default regular expression would look for precacheAndRoute([]) inside of your swSrc file, and use that [] as the point at which to inject the manifest.

We've relaxed the default regular expression so that, in addition to supporting the previous usage, it will also work with precacheAndRoute([], {...}), where {...} are the options that you might want to pass in to configure precaching behavior. (#1459)

Changes to swSrc will trigger a new webpack dev server build

When using workbox-webpack-plugin's InjectManifest mode inside of a webpack dev server environment, making updates to the swSrc file will now trigger a fresh build. Thanks to @green-arrow for the contribution! (#1432)

🐛 What's Fixed?

  • Resolved an issue with workbox.strategies.staleWhileRevalidate() and workbox.strategies.cacheFirst() in the Samsung Internet browser. (#1457)
  • Moved to using the public compiler.inputFileSystem API when working with the webpack filesystem. Thanks to @DorianGrey for the contribution! (#1437)

📖 Learn More

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