v9.12.0 (2025-03-11)
🚀 New Feature
- #14267 feat(webdriverio): allow more options for screenshot taking with Bidi (@christian-bromann)
💅 Polish
- #14268 fix(webdriverio): fail implicitly when trying to use Puppeteer with the browser runner (@christian-bromann)
📝 Documentation
- Other
- #14266 docs: fix waitforfontsloaded position in docs (@alcpereira)
- #14263 docs: mention that Chrome DevTools protocol is not installed by default and what package is required (@ianrenauld)
Committers: 4
- Christian Bromann (@christian-bromann)
- Erwin Heitzman (@erwinheitzman)
- Ian Renauld (@ianrenauld)
- @alcpereira