npm web-ext 5.0.0

latest releases: 6.7.0, 6.6.0, 6.5.0...
3 years ago


In previous web-ext versions, the directory passed to --chromium-profile would be modified while using web-ext run.
As of 5.0.0, a copy of the profile is used instead, unless --keep-profile-changes is passed.


  • web-ext run:

    • Support keep profile changes while running Chrome on an existing profile-directory and fixed selection of non-Default chrome profiles (#1920), closes #1909
  • web-ext lint: updated to use addons-linter v2.1.0 (#1946, #1967):

    • Imported firefox 79 APIs Schema
    • New JS syntax supported: optional chaining, BigInt, and dynamic imports (closes #1770)
    • See all addons-linter changes: 1.26.0...2.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • web-ext run / web-ext sign / web-ext build:

    • web-ext does now look for the extension id in the manifest.json browser_specific_settings, and fallback to the applications if no browser_specific_settings is being used or if it does not include a gecko property (#1974), closes #1901
  • web-ext run:

    • web-ext run -t firefox-android is now detecting (and warning the user) if old artifacts dirs are being left on the target adb device, using the new --adb-remove-old-artifacts will remove them automatically (#1965), closes #1591
    • Fixed --firefox-binary firefoxdeveloperedition alias resolution on macOS, fixed by updating fx-runner to v1.0.13 (#1962), closes #1960
  • Fixed node v14 warnings by lazily import git-rev-sync only in non-production mode (#1972), closes #1916

  • web-ext is now providing explicit ESM exports in its package.json file (#1934)

  • Various dependencies updated to their last released versions: bunyan to v1.8.14 (#1940), camelcase to v6 (#1879), chrome-launcher to v0.13.4 (#1953), decamelize to v4 (#1829), firefox-profile to v2 (#1861), node-notifier to v7.0.2 (#1881, #1968), open to v7.1.0 (#1831, #1964), parse-json to v5.0.1 (#1971), watchpack to v1.7.4 (#1908, #1973), sign-addon to v2.0.6 (#1939), strip-json-comments to v3.1.1 (#1954), tmp to v0.2.1 (#1896), update-notifier to v4.1.0 (#1839), ws to v7.3.1 (#1897), yargs to v15.4.1 (#1948)

See all changes: 4.3.0...5.0.0

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