🔧Bug Fixes
- VDataTable: include rows that exclusively match custom filters (#11181) (239e238), closes #9887
- VRangeSlider: incorrect slider width when disabled (#11307) (ee73538), closes #11302
- VSelect: make selection color white when using solo-inverted (c8f2564), closes #10617
- VSlider: thumb shifting position when toggling disabled state (#11306) (1fa2f92), closes #11303
- VSlider: wrong tick labels positions in RTL mode (#11317) (225e82a), closes #11028
- VSparkline: handle a divide by zero bug when all values are zero (#11315) (2dacec2), closes #11311
- VSparkline: remove duplicate id (#11262) (4a785ff)
- VTextField: adjust label top position with solo prop (7f95808)
- VTextField: remove gap when outlined label changes to empty (#11316) (6b3562b), closes #11269