npm vuetify 2.2.0-beta.2

latest releases: 3.7.12, 3.7.11, 3.7.10...
5 years ago

📜 Documentation

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • icons: add support for font awesome svg icons (#8092) (c4b7225), closes
  • VNavigationDrawer: set proper border width (9bc631a)

🚀 Features

How to use presets

For the official documentation on presets, you can navigate here. It is still in progress and will receive updates over the next few days.

Update your vuetify-cli-plugin to the latest beta.

yarn add vue-cli-plugin-vuetify@^2.0.3-beta -D
## OR
npm install vue-cli-plugin-vuetify@^2.0.3-beta --dev

Pick an available preset (only basil/crane available atm).

vue add vuetify-preset-{preset}

You can monitor the available presets here:

Don't miss a new vuetify release

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