npm vuetify 1.1.9

latest releases: 3.6.8, 3.6.7, 3.6.6...
5 years ago

🔧 Things we fixed

  • e145bad Partially revert #4664 - removed !important declaration
  • 8b4e1f4 Remove duplicate change event from firing when using the clearable prop
  • e084f27 Fixed a bug where v-expansion-panel would not properly render expanded when activated during a transition
  • 0a1a8f6 Removed redundant prop from v-toolbar Fixed scrolling techniques
  • 43b9e7a Fixed a bug where v-navigation-drawer and v-stepper were not applying proper styles to v-divider
  • 117303b Fixed a bug with v-slider and rounding values (thanks @sh7dm)
  • #4464 Fixed a bug where v-slider could become unresponsive when clicked while using Firefox 60
  • #4699 Fixed a bug where v-select with the reverse prop was not displaying properly
  • #4713 v-select will now use the nudge-bottom prop value
  • #4715 Fixed a bug where contenteditable elements were not being filtered properly when using overlayable mixin
  • #4719 Fixed a bug where v-radio did not have a proper default name

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