npm vuetify 0.15.3

latest releases: 3.6.0-beta.0.0, 3.5.17, 3.6.0-alpha.2...
6 years ago

Hurricane Irma Release Party

Even though this release is a PATCH, it does contain some additional functionality that could technically belong in a MINOR release. v-select was garbage for so many situations and use-cases. It lacked the general functionality that you would expect to just work out of the box, so I went off on a tangent. Numerous new props that support asynchronous items have been added along with the much awaited tagging option, and even search debouncing. I would like to thank our new moderator @jacekkarczmarczyk for really being a big help with localization issues in v-date-picker. It should now be much easier to work with if your native language/locale isn't mine ;)

As always, this release has also been accompanied by some documentation improvements and updates. While still not perfect, there is still a lot planned to bring to the community in the coming months. There will only be 1 more MINOR release before version 1.0 and I'd like to thank everyone for your constant support and help with making this the best UI framework for Vue.

If Vuetify has helped you make something amazing, please considering supporting/backing the project. This helps me provide compensation to the dev team for their countless hours of hard work and support, as well as putting money back into Vuetify to make it even better.

One final note, we now have a DIAMOND level sponsor, LMAX Exchange. I'd like to thank them for their support and you can now see their logo on the documentation navigation drawer.

Things we added

  • 33c3ef6 Added jumbotron and hide-controls props to v-parallax. Added the material spec image fade for images.
  • #1112 v-stepper now accepts dynamic steps
  • #1183 Added ability to clear all form components
  • Added new props to v-select, cache-items, tags, search-debounce documentation

Things we fixed

  • #1537 Fixed a bug where dragging a v-btn with the href or to prop while clicking very fast would cause the ripples to persist
  • #1585 Fixed a bug where v-expansion-panel was focusable even without the prop
  • #1592 Fixed a bug where v-select did not work properly with dynamic items
  • #1597 Fixed a bug where v-btn inside of v-btn-toggle was not styled properly when selected
  • #1600 Fixed a bug where the counter prop could not be disabled on v-text-field
  • #1603 Fixed a bug where long labels were not displayed properly on v-slider
  • #1604 Fixed a bug where a v-menu inside of a v-toolbar-items did not have the proper height on Safari browsers
  • #1608 Fixed a bug where the detachable mixin (v-menu/v-dialog) was throwing errors with vue-virtual-scroller
  • #1631 Fixed a regression of the overlay used on v-dialog and v-sidebar in certain conditions could create 2 overlays instead of just 1
  • #1640 Removed the ability for a disabled v-tabs-item to still be tabbed to
  • 29f1ca3 Fixed a bug where v-radio inside of v-radio-group was not tab target-table
  • d9b159a Fixed a bug where the origin prop was not working properly on components that can have custom transitions
  • cba4286 Fixed a bug where a v-snackbar with an initial value of true would not timeout

Things we changed

  • Numerous QoL grid tweaks

Things you added

  • #1616 Added the lazy prop to v-expansion-panel-content
  • #1598 Added ability for v-btn to accept the value prop

Things you fixed

  • #1581 #1601 Fixed a bug where v-form was not properly validating nested inputs and much more! (thanks @KaelWD)
  • #1590 Fixed a bug where v-select with a tabindex was not overriding the default (thanks @Phlow2001)
  • #1641 Fixed a bug where v-text-field with the box and solo prop were not working well with the append-icon and prepend-icon props (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1647 Fixed a bug where the disabled prop was not properly being applied to v-radio (thanks @KaelWD)
  • #1649 Fixed a bug where v-date-picker was not properly handling internationalization in the title (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1651 Fixed a bug that month names in v-date-picker with localization was not displaying properly (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)

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