npm vuetify 0.14.9

latest releases: 3.6.0-beta.0.0, 3.5.17, 3.6.0-alpha.2...
6 years ago

A special thanks

I'd like to give a special thanks to @ChavaSobreyra . This community member and Patreon backer took it upon himself to design a new, more material-esque home page AND implemented it. It's absolutely amazing and I'm thankful for his contribution, as well as thousands of other developers that help make this a dream to work on.

Things we fixed

  • #1225 Fixed a bug where v-data-table's page selection would throw a warning in vuex strict mode
  • #1076 Fixed a bug where the v-navigation-drawer border would not always extend full height
  • #1230 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker with the format prop set to 24hr would emit am/pm in certain situations
  • #1222 Fixed a bug where v-list had its background theme declaration removed (oops)
  • #1152 Decreased defined margin for v-date-picker so that it would not overflow improperly (will still overflow on iphone5 resolutions)
  • #1233 #1293 Fixed a bug where I thought it would be a good idea to key an element forcing re-renders
  • #1154 Fixed a bug where options with long titles would improperly overflow in v-select
  • #1218 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was emitting 2 events on blur
  • #1248 Enhanced v-pagination so that it will properly validate a number to be an integer (was failing if a float was passed)
  • #1254 Fixed a bug where v-switch was not being properly aligned in v-list-tile-action
  • #1241 Fixed a bug where the animation of v-slider could overlap in certain situations
  • #1226 Fixed a bug where v-edit-dialog with a v-text-field would not actually focus the input, only the input group wrapper. *Also fixed misnamed transition while I was in there
  • bc2e061 Removed hardcoded background value for menu__content. This could be a breaking change for you if you relied on the background (you didn't wrap content in a v-card for example) Just add a v-card or use a helper class in the content-class prop (white)
  • #1295 Fixed a bug where the input-group inside of v-data-table was having its details container hidden explicitly by css
  • #1278 Fixed a bug in v-select menu positioning with the autocomplete prop on very small devices
  • #1195 Fixed a bug where an evaluation on element width could occur if the element was being destroyed
  • #1169 Fixed a bug where v-edit-dialog was getting an improper input value
  • #1048 Fixed a bug where v-menu with the hover prop could get stuck open
  • #1303 Fixed a bug where the items were not wrapping properly inside of v-layout with the row prop on iPad

Things we added

  • Added 3 new directives, v-resize, v-scroll and v-touch more information on docs, v-resize, v-scroll and v-touch
  • #1216 Added dark theme support for v-data-table
  • #1269 Added ability to change icon in v-toolbar-side-icon
  • 3cdfe42 Removed explicit height declaration of img inside of v-avatar outside of a v-list. You can now scale it however you please by adjusting the img width or height (Avatar docs coming soon I promise!)
  • #1244 Added lazy loading prop to v-tabs-content
  • #379 Added scroll-off-screen prop to v-toolbar
  • #879 Added new prop search-input to v-select. This can be coupled with the .sync modifier to detect when what a user is typing into the search when using the autocomplete prop

Things we changed

  • #771 Moved content-class location to the proper .dialog__content element
  • #1310 #1284 Updated logic for v-data-table scoped slots. You can now use custom components

Things we broke

  • just kidding ;)

Things you fixed

  • #1143 Fixed a bug where where a helper fn comparison would fail unit testing (thanks @OniVe)
  • #1237 Fixed a bug where activeClass was not being properly applied to v-list-tile, v-tabs-item, v-breadcrumbs-item (thanks @ChavaSobreyra)
  • #1178 Fixed a naming error in v-text-field for the autofocus prop (thanks @hrayr-artunyan)
  • #1259 Fixed a bug where the label in v-text-field (all inputs really) was not properly adding the for attribute (thanks @Phlow2001)

Things you added

  • #1163 Added activate/deactivate events to v-menu (thanks @cawa-93)
  • #1231 Added vue version comparison for better warnings when not using a proper version with Vuetify (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1252 Added offset-{size}-0 to support removing offset on small resolutions when large resolutions contain it (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • 092b2bd Added typescript definitions for Vuetify and all of its helper utilities (thanks @isaaclyman)
  • 10f587b Added new debug-build script to package.json (thanks @Phlow2001)
  • #1265 Added the label scoped slot in v-text-field (thanks @vanhoavn)
  • #1277 Added .vs (vscode editor) to .gitignore (thanks @Phlow2001)
  • #1281 Added numerous accessibility changes and tests (thanks @Phlow2001)
  • #1264 Added explicit css declaration for pointer-events on labels (thanks @vanhoavn)
  • #1306 Added test for the timeout prop in v-snackbar (thanks @qw3n)

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