npm vuetify 0.13.1

latest releases: 3.6.6, 3.6.5, 3.6.4...
6 years ago

Things we are deprecating

  • c81496e The router prop for all components implementing route-link mixin (v-list-tile, v-btn, etc) will no longer be needed in 0.14. As such, we are deprecating it now with a warning message to inform you of the upcoming change. Your application will still work as normal

Things we (potentially) broke

This was not meant to be a breaking change, but does reflect a mistake on the dev team's part for consistency when using custom transitions on components through the provided transition prop. Before, it used the tag provided and generated an element. Now, it will instead properly use the prop for designating the transition name. Only affects v-menu and v-dialog

  • #892 Fixed a bug where v-menu and v-dialog where using transition for the actual component as opposed to the name

Things we added

  • #880 Added new design for 24hr v-time-picker
  • #913 Added back explicit props for toolbar and footer on v-app. The logic that was used to do this automatically stopped working and was causing the main v-container to not size properly. If this was the case in your application, simply use the props that apply to your application and it should work now
  • #918 Added the ability to pass HTML to all form components that support hint

Things we fixed

  • Fixed regression of prepended-icon styles on v-text-field
  • Fixed tabindex being applied to v-select autocomplete prop search field, requiring pressing tab twice to move to the next input
  • #846 Fixed a bug where placing a badge on a v-btn would be cut off due to a deprecated overflow still being on the content element
  • #865 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker would not automatically transition to the minutes when selecting an hour on mobile displays
  • #882 Fixed a bug where v-select label with prop single-line was displaying when the field was dirty
  • #883 Fixed a bug with no results with searching in v-data-table
  • #884 Fixed a bug where v-bottom-navigation was not rendering properly on mobile (also cleaned it up a bit, should work flawless on IE11 now)
  • #885 Fixed the margin on v-btn with the block prop causing it to be improperly aligned
  • #889 Fixed a bug where a v-dialog rendered the activator slot when no activator was applied
  • #890 #893 Fixed select-all prop in v-data-table throwing error
  • #891 Fixed a bug where applying the v-tooltip directive to v-btn with the fab prop caused the button to not be positioned correctly
  • #899 Fixed bug where a numeric 0 with the min prop in v-text-field was not being properly evaluated
  • #904 Fixed v-text-field with the suffix prop being the incorrect font-size
  • #908 Add back accidentally removed row/column specific breakpoints on v-layout
  • #911 Fixed a bug where in certain conditions the v-dialog would create two overlays if the value prop was set to true at run time
  • #920 Fixed a bug where the v-text-field count prop did not work properly on IE11
  • #923 Fixed a bug where a v-chip with the closable prop inside of a v-dialog would close the dialog when clicked
  • #922 Fixed a bug where v-stepper would not use the application's primary color for the steps on Safari

Things you fixed

  • #903 Updated v-toolbar to only apply z-index when using the fixed prop, this should resolve toolbars in the content flow from appearing above the primary fixed one. (thanks @jrast)
  • #917 Fixed a bug where the no-data-text generated tile when search results using autocomplete prop on the v-select was clickable (thanks @qw3n)
  • #919 Updated v-data-table tbody styles to properly comply with MD Spec (thanks @arvanoid)

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