npm vue-template-compiler 2.0.0-beta.8

latest releases: 2.7.16, 2.7.16-beta.2, 2.7.16-beta.1...
7 years ago


  • Improved SSR error handling when using bundleRenderer.renderToStream
  • Improved SSR warning when component is missing render function / templates

Breaking Changes

  • keep-alive is no longer a special attribute: it is now a wrapper component, similar to <transition>:

      <component :is="view"></component>

    This makes it possible to use keep-alive on multiple conditional children (note the children should eventually evaluate to a single child - any child other than the first one will be ignored):

      <comp-a v-if="a > 1"></comp-a>
      <comp-b v-else></comp-b>

    When used together with <transition>, make sure to nest it inside:

        <component :is="view"></component>


  • #3395 fix v-show transition triggering more than necessary
  • #3400 fix slot resolution on re-renders
  • #3403 fix double quote decoding inside attributes when using DOM template
  • #3406 fix static node reused incorrectly inside v-for

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