npm vue-template-compiler 2.0.0-beta.3

latest releases: 2.7.16, 2.7.16-beta.2, 2.7.16-beta.1...
7 years ago


  • When used on a component, v-on can use the .native modifier to listen to native DOM events instead of component events:

    <my-comp @click.native="onClick"></my-comp>

    When using render functions, native event handlers need to be nested under nativeOn instead of on in vnode data:

    render (h) {
      return h('my-comp', { nativeOn: { click: () => { ... }}})
  • v-bind can now be used to bind to DOM properties instead of attributes with the .prop modifier:

    <div :text-content.prop="text"></div>

    The modifier also works for object v-bind, which will probably be more readable:

    <div v-bind.prop="{ textContent: text }"></div>
  • Functional components can now also accept slots. However, the slots are lazy evaluated - they are only resolved when you call the context.slots() function:

    Vue.component('example', {
      functional: true,
      render (h, ctx) {
        const slots = ctx.slots()
        slots.default // <-- access slot content like vm.$slots

Breaking Changes

  • Vnode data format change: now uses the domProps nested object for binding to DOM properties (instead of props):

    render (h) {
      h('div', { domProps: { innerHTML: '...' }})

    The props object is now only used for binding component props.

  • User watchers created via vm.$watch are now fired before component re-renders. This gives the user a chance to further update other state before the component re-render, thus avoiding unnecessary updates. For example, you can watch a component prop and update the component's own data when the prop changes.

    To do something with the DOM after component updates, just use the updated lifecycle hook.


  • Fixed some edge cases in <transition-group> move animations.
  • Fixed non-functional transition wrapper components not updating properly.
  • Fixed client-side hydration failed check for elements with v-html/v-text.
  • #3296 incorrect unknown element warning

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