npm vue-meta 2.1.0

latest releases: 3.0.0-alpha.10, 3.0.0-alpha.9, 3.0.0-alpha.8...
4 years ago

The v2.1 release adds new features which where originally mostly postponed for v3, but have been brought forward due to various reasons.

As the docs have been updated to reflect the new features, we will link to the docs if you wish more detials:


  • add option for prepending (no)script to body (#410) (05163a7)
  • auto add ssrAttribute to htmlAttrs (9cf6d32)
  • enable onload callbacks (#414) (fc71e1f)
  • make ssr app id configurable (b0c85e5)
  • support json content (without disabling sanitizers) (#415) (51fe6ea)

Bug Fixes

  • also use ssrAppId for client update (50c0509)
  • don't generate <title> tag if metaInfo.title is null or false (#409) (39ef287)
  • dont update title on client with falsy value except empty string (6efcdf1)

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