npm vue-loader 10.0.0

latest releases: 17.4.2, 17.4.1, 17.4.0...
7 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • vue-template-compiler is now a peer dependency instead of a direct dependency. This allows the user to pin vue-template-compiler to a specific version instead of relying on the implicit upgrades from a semver caret range.
  • templateBuble option is merged with the buble option. This means the template expressions will be using the same Buble configuration with buble-loader (if present).


All Buble base transforms are now enabled by default for template expression, including arrow functions and parameter destructuring (Note: the following examples all require Vue core ^2.1.0):

<!-- arrow functions in v-on handlers -->
<button @click="e => log(e)"></button>

<!-- destructuring in v-for -->
<li v-for="{ id, text } in items">
  {{ id }} {{ text }}

<!-- destructuring in scoped slots -->
  <template scope="{ id, text }">
    <span>{{ id }} {{ text }}</span>

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