🚀 Features
- Minimize panel while inspecting component node - by @webfansplz in #119 (f04ff)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Remove public prefix to resolve vite assets warning - by @alexzhang1030 and @webfansplz in #117 (3f306)
- Redundant re-render and loss of collapsed state for inspector tree/state component - by @Azurewarth0920 in #124 (11876)
- Selecting components highlighting bounds incorrectly - by @webfansplz in #129 (c7c4c)
- client: Unique collapse id for inspector state tree - by @Azurewarth0920 (745e4)
- pinia: Passing
- by @Azurewarth0920 in #122 (a34c3)