- Made the poster updateable after initialization (view)
- Exported more textTrack functions (view)
- Moved player ID generation to support video tags with no IDs (view)
- Moved to using QUnit as a dependency (view)
- Added the util namespace for public utility functions (view)
- Fixed an issue with calling duration before Flash is loaded (view)
- Added player methods to externs so they can be overridden (view)
- Fixed html5 playback when switching between media techs (view)
- Fixed Firefox+Flash mousemove events so controls don't hide permanently (view)
- Fixed a test for touch detection (view)
- Updated the src file list for karma tests (view)
- Added more tests for API properties after minification (view)
- Updated projet to use npm version of videojs-swf (view)
- Added support for dist zipping on windows (view)
- Fixed iOS fullscreen issue (view)
- Fixed touch event bubbling (view)
- Fixed ARIA role attribute for button and slider (view)
- Fixed an issue where a component's dispose event would bubble up (view)
- Quieted down deprecation warnings (view)
- Updated the seek handle to contain the current time (view)
- Added requirejs and browserify support (UMD) (view)