npm vee-validate 4.3.0

latest releases: 4.12.8, 4.12.7, 4.12.6...
3 years ago

🆕 New Features

  • Computed Validation Schema Support: Previously when working with yup schemas, in particular, it was hard to create a dynamic schema using just the Yup.mixed and Yup.when API, now you can create computed schema to make it easier to do so. Check the docs for more information
  • v-model.number modifier support: TheField component v-model now supports the .number modifier, thanks to @davidguilherme who worked on this
  • New global rule: The url rule is added back to the global validators, thanks to @davidguilherme who worked on this. You can find more information in the documentation

📢 The language files need your help, if you find the url locale message missing for your language, please contribute it 🙏

👕 TypeScript

Removed the SubmitEvent type which caused some tools like volar to display errors for form @submit handlers created by handleSubmit function in the composition API

🌏 I18n

Several enhancements to the ja locale, thanks to @kuanyui

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