npm vee-validate 2.0.4

latest releases: 4.13.2, 4.13.1, 4.13.0...
6 years ago


  • Added component interface options to the typescript definitions #1151
  • Added the ability to define multiple class names to be applied for the flags thanks to @gpedro for their help in #1157
Vue.use(VeeValidate, {
  classes: true,
  classNames: {
    valid: ['is-valid', 'text-green'],
    invalid: ['is-invalid', 'text-red']


  • Memory leak issues in SSR #1162 thanks to @ACenterA for their help in #1163
  • null or undefined access when passing null or undefined values to ErrorBag.first #1156

Thanks to the locale maintainers for their continuous support!

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