What's Changed
- docs: update the custom-repository.md file in the docs/zh_CN directory by @OrangeSheepCool in #10676
- chore(TypeORM): Create test case to uncover TypeORM composite key save issue by @jeisberg in #10672
- Moved
and set version to"^0.1.14 || ^0.2.0"
by @OSA413 in #10779 - chore(docs): add announcement by @dlhck in #11125
- chore: Replace Slack links with Discord by @michaelbromley in #11153
- test: Add GitHub Actions for tests CI/CD by @OSA413 in #11157
- test: remove restriction of CI/CD runs for fork branches by @OSA413 in #11173
- Split SQLite tests and fix better-sqlite3 by @OSA413 in #11174
- style: apply formatting by @OSA413 in #11175
- chore: update some packages and run npm audit fix by @OSA413 in #11181
- docs(datasource): some sentence updated for datasource doc by @albasyir in #11182
- Remove CircleCI by @stim371 in #11189
- test: Expand node version matrix to node16, node18, and node20 by @OSA413 in #11183
- test: redo cockroachdb to service-container GHA and update its version to latest (24) by @OSA413 in #11190
- remove github issues as a suggested place for questions by @mguida22 in #11194
- Remove links to defunct Vesper project by @stim371 in #11195
- Lint on GitHub actions by @stim371 in #11177
- docs: Refine Markdown Language for Better Clarity and Grammar by @albasyir in #11207
- docs: update QueryResultCache method descriptions by @mguida22 in #11192
- chore: migrate to ESLint flat config by @alumni in #11205
- Update select-query-builder.md by @madmaxdios in #11166
- refactor: use node:fs/promises by @alumni in #11206
- chore(license): update copyright year to 2025 by @maxktz in #11223
- Update many-to-many-relations.md by @standage-thanh in #10699
- Typo - setOnLock -> setOnLocked by @felipensp in #11120
- docs: one-to-one relation explanation fix by @pato1713 in #11151
- Update README.md by @jonathanberger in #11089
- docs(multiple-data-sources.md): fix spacing by @jhi721 in #11052
- docs: update deprecated naming by @puleugo in #11017
- Docs: fix connection options description by @os-moussao in #10935
- docs: add Lock tables in Set Locking by @youngkiu in #10921
- docs: removed dead link about using typeorm with DI from faq.md by @giom-l in #10886
- docs: update find-options.md by @NikolayKrishchuk in #10877
- refactor: update EntityManager.ts by @eltociear in #10875
- docs: documentation for parameters in Repository, DataSource, EntityManager query methods by @vlahovivan in #10848
- docs: improve OneToOne description by @pavlokolodka in #10798
- Update eager-and-lazy-relations.md by @kunalrgarg in #10791
- docs: Include info about using soft delete in Repository API by @sanjacob in #10722
- Update mongodb.md by @LucoEldritch in #10718
- docs: fix imports in 'Or' find operator example by @myypo in #10689
- docs: clarify adjacency list by @DevAhmedRadwan in #10664
- chore(test): Add Coverage on Coveralls by @OSA413 in #11225
- perf: improve results transformer performance by @mohd-akram in #10349
- Rename SubjectTopoligicalSorter as SubjectTopologicalSorter by @ocozalp in #11074
- Fix maximum call stack error by @mgorunuch in #10733
- refactor: added --cache to prettier call by @RohanTalip in #10865
- Update select-query-builder.md by @peruzzoarthur in #10763
- fix: update mssql allowed version to fix vulnerability. by @wy193777 in #10933
- refactor: use sql-highlight instead of cli-highlight by @alumni in #11221
- Add support for better-sqlite3 v10 and 11 by @JoshMarkF in #11096
- chore: replace CircleCI badge with GitHub Actions badge by @OSA413 in #11230
- chore: Add new logo by @dlhck in #11276
- fix(npm-readme): resolve missing image file by @naorpeled in #11290
- fix(npm-readme): resolve missing image file pt. 2 by @naorpeled in #11291
- Update relations.md by @madmaxdios in #11161
- Give the DEVELOPER.md documentation a pass by @alper in #11289
- docs: add performance and optimizing by @ngxquang in #11068
- docs: fix missing DataSource in migrations config by @maciej-ka in #11249
- docs: correct "it's" -> "its" by @mdippery in #11300
- Fix release issues by @michaelbromley in #11303
- refactor: use ansis instead of chalk by @alumni in #11263
- chore: Update eager-and-lazy-relations.md for better readability. by @joeldmyers in #10757
- chore: Bump version 0.3.21 by @michaelbromley in #11314
New Contributors
- @OrangeSheepCool made their first contribution in #10676
- @jeisberg made their first contribution in #10672
- @OSA413 made their first contribution in #10779
- @dlhck made their first contribution in #11125
- @albasyir made their first contribution in #11182
- @stim371 made their first contribution in #11189
- @madmaxdios made their first contribution in #11166
- @maxktz made their first contribution in #11223
- @standage-thanh made their first contribution in #10699
- @felipensp made their first contribution in #11120
- @pato1713 made their first contribution in #11151
- @jonathanberger made their first contribution in #11089
- @jhi721 made their first contribution in #11052
- @puleugo made their first contribution in #11017
- @os-moussao made their first contribution in #10935
- @giom-l made their first contribution in #10886
- @NikolayKrishchuk made their first contribution in #10877
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #10875
- @vlahovivan made their first contribution in #10848
- @kunalrgarg made their first contribution in #10791
- @sanjacob made their first contribution in #10722
- @LucoEldritch made their first contribution in #10718
- @myypo made their first contribution in #10689
- @DevAhmedRadwan made their first contribution in #10664
- @ocozalp made their first contribution in #11074
- @mgorunuch made their first contribution in #10733
- @peruzzoarthur made their first contribution in #10763
- @JoshMarkF made their first contribution in #11096
- @naorpeled made their first contribution in #11290
- @alper made their first contribution in #11289
- @ngxquang made their first contribution in #11068
- @maciej-ka made their first contribution in #11249
- @mdippery made their first contribution in #11300
- @joeldmyers made their first contribution in #10757
Full Changelog: 0.3.20...0.3.21