npm typedoc 0.28.0

23 hours ago

Breaking Changes

  • TypeDoc now expects all input globs paths to be specified with / path separators, #2825.
  • TypeDoc's --entryPointStrategy merge mode now requires JSON from at least version 0.28.0.
  • Removed jp translations from lang, to migrate switch to ja.
  • File name references in intentionallyNotExported now use a package name/package relative path instead of an absolute path for matching.
  • The source-order sort ordering now considers package names / package relative paths instead of using the absolute paths to a file.
  • TypeDoc will only check for a project README file next to the discovered package.json file if --readme is not set
    this change improves handling of monorepo setups where some packages have readme files and others do not, #2875.
  • Function-like variable exports will now only be automatically converted as function types if
    they are initialized with a function expression. TypeDoc can be instructed to convert them as functions
    with the @function tag, #2881.
  • Object literal type alias types will now be converted in a way which causes them to be rendered more similarly
    to how interfaces are rendered, #2817.

API Breaking Changes

  • ProjectReflection.getReflectionFromSymbol and ProjectReflection.getSymbolFromReflection have been moved to Context
  • Path and PathArray parameter types now always contain normalized paths.
  • Introduced a Router which is used for URL creation. Reflection.url,
    Reflection.anchor, and Reflection.hasOwnDocument have been removed.
  • Deserializer.reviveProject(s) no longer accepts an option to add project documents.
  • Deserializer.reviveProjects now requires an alwaysCreateEntryPointModule option.
  • Comment.serializeDisplayParts no longer requires a serializer argument.
  • ReflectionSymbolId.fileName is now optional, TypeDoc now stores a combination of a package name and package relative path instead.
    The fileName property will be present when initially created, but is not serialized.
  • Removed DeclarationReflection.relevanceBoost attribute which was added for plugins, but never used.
  • i18n proxy is no longer passed to many functions, instead, reference i18n exported from the module directly.
  • ReflectionKind.singularString and ReflectionKind.pluralString now returns translated strings.
    The methods on Internationalization to do this previously have been removed.
  • The HTML output structure for the search box has changed to support the new modal.
  • DefaultThemeRenderContext's typeDeclaration and typeDetailsIfUseful
    methods now require both a reflection and a type in order to support


  • Add support for TypeScript 5.8.x
  • The search modal in the HTML output has been rewritten to provide better mobile support
  • Added a --router option which can be used to modify TypeDoc's output folder
    structure. This can be extended with plugins, #2111.
  • Introduced the @primaryExport modifier tag to provide more fine grained
    control over export conversion order, #2856
  • Introduced packagesRequiringDocumentation option for validation.notDocumented, TypeDoc will expect comments to be present for symbols in the specified packages.
  • TypeDoc now exports a typedoc/browser entrypoint for parsing and using serialized JSON files, #2528.
  • Type packageOptions as Partial<TypeDocOptions>, #2878.
  • TypeDoc will now warn if an option which should only be set at the root level is set in packageOptions, #2878.
  • Introduced @function tag to force TypeDoc to convert variable declarations with a type annotation as functions, #2881.
  • Exposed a TypeDoc global object in the HTML theme which can be used to prevent TypeDoc from using localStorage, #2872.
  • Introduced @preventInline and @inlineType tags for further control extending the @inline tag, #2862.
  • Introduced @preventExpand and @expandType tags for further control extending the @expand tag, #2862.
  • API: Introduced DefaultThemeRenderContext.reflectionIcon for more granular control over displayed reflection icons.

Bug Fixes

  • TypeDoc will now only create references for symbols re-exported from modules.
  • Variable-functions will now prefer placing the comment on the signature if there is only one signature present, #2824.
  • User filter settings will no longer sometimes cause the search to have fewer visible results than expected.
  • Fixed handling of expando functions which were also merged with a namespace, #2876.
  • Fixed rendering of function types within arrays and union types, #2892.
  • Fixed an issue where if the theme JS didn't load, the page wouldn't be shown, #2894.


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