npm typedoc 0.23.14

latest releases: 0.26.3, 0.26.2, 0.26.1...
22 months ago


  • Added support for defining one-off external link mappings with externalSymbolLinkMappings see
    the documentation for usage examples and caveats, #2030.
  • External link resolvers defined with addUnknownSymbolResolver will now be checked when resolving @link tags, #2030.
    Note: To support this, resolution will now happen during conversion, and as such, Renderer.addUnknownSymbolResolver has been
    soft deprecated in favor of Converter.addUnknownSymbolResolver. Plugins should update to use the method on Converter.
    DefaultThemeRenderContext.attemptExternalResolution has also been deprecated since it will repeat work done during conversion,
    use ReferenceType.externalUrl instead.
  • Added Converter.addUnknownSymbolResolver for use by plugins supporting external links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed conversion of object literal types containing construct signatures, #2036.
  • Fixed centering of title bar on wide displays, actually this time, #2046.

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