npm ts-pattern 3.2.1

latest releases: 5.2.0, 5.1.2, 5.1.1...
2 years ago

This minor release adds 3 new features to the lib.


A new wildcard pattern, matching null | undefined. Thanks a lot @m-rutter for implementing this and fixing some issues with pattern inference along the way! 🎉

import { match, __ } from 'ts-pattern';
const input = null;
const output = match<number | string | boolean | null | undefined>(input)
  .with(__.string, () => 'it is a string!')
  .with(__.number, () => 'it is a number!')
  .with(__.boolean, () => 'it is a boolean!')
  .with(__.nullish, () => 'it is either null or undefined!')
  .with(null, () => 'it is null!')
  .with(undefined, () => 'it is undefined!')
// => 'it is either null or undefined!'


A new function creating a pattern, checking if a value is an instance of a particular class. This feature was requests in #24, it was possible implement it in userland using a when pattern, but the types were a bit tricky so I thought it made sense to add first class support for this.

import { match, instanceOf } from 'ts-pattern';

class A {
  a = 'a';
class B {
  b = 'b';

const output = match<{ value: A | B }>({ value: new A() })
  .with({ value: instanceOf(A) }, (a) => 'instance of A!')
  .with({ value: instanceOf(B) }, (b) => 'instance of B!')

// => 'instance of A!'


A helper function to create a type guard function from a pattern. This can be really useful when making a runtime type assertion, for instance if you want to check that an API response matches what you are expecting.

import { isMatching, __ } from 'ts-pattern';

const isBlogPost = isMatching({
  title: __.string,
  content: __.string,

const res: unknown = await fetch(...)
if (isBlogPost(res)) {
  // res: { title: string, content: string }

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