npm swagger-ui-react 3.26.1
Swagger UI 3.26.1 Released!

latest releases: 5.17.14, 5.17.13, 5.17.12...
4 years ago

3.26.1 (2020-06-11)

⚠️ This release includes a security update with Markdown render.


  • New OAUTH_SCOPES configuration property to select all/none/user_list to OAuth scopes popup (#6037) (275c8f2)
  • Docker New SWAGGER_JSON_URL option to allow remote urls from Docker (#6122)
  • Docker VALIDATOR_URL now has options to disable the validation badge (#5994)
  • Various style improvements (#6014) (#5578) (#5478)

Bug Fixes

  • Markdown: render markdown in more secure way (a616cb4)
  • Docker allow local ref's to be served by nginx (#5565) (f353974)
  • Docker support variables in auth urls (#5913) (21f5149)

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