npm swagger-typescript-api 12.0.0
12.0.0 Release

latest releases: 13.0.22, 13.0.21, 13.0.20...
23 months ago

new hooks:

/** calls before parse\process route path */
onPreBuildRoutePath: (routePath: string) => string | void;
/** calls after parse\process route path */
onBuildRoutePath: (data: BuildRoutePath) => BuildRoutePath | void;
/** calls before insert path param name into string path interpolation */
onInsertPathParam: (paramName: string, index: number, arr: BuildRouteParam[], resultRoute: string) => string | void;
/** calls before parse any kind of schema */
onPreParseSchema: (originalSchema: any, typeName: string, schemaType: string) => any;

BREAKING_CHANGE: add ability to custom prefix for autofix invalid enum keys, invalid type names with nodejs options (fixInvalidTypeNamePrefix: string, fixInvalidEnumKeyPrefix: string)
BREAKING_CHANGE: by default all component enum schemas (even numeric) extracting as enum TS constructions (#344)
feature: ability to extract all enums from nested types\interfaces to enum TS construction using --extract-enums option (#344)
feature: ability to modify route path params before insert them into string (request url, #446, with using hook onInsertPathParam)
feature: (nodejs) ability to add prefix\suffix for type names and enum keys

typePrefix?: string;
typeSuffix?: string;
enumKeyPrefix?: string;
enumKeySuffix?: string;

feature: ability to customize resolving process of the extracting type names (extractingOptions nodejs option)

extractingOptions = {
  // requestBodySuffix: ["Payload", "Body", "Input"],
  // or
  // requestBodyNameResolver: (typeName, reservedNames) => string;

  // requestParamsSuffix: ["Params"],
  // or
  // requestParamsNameResolver: (typeName, reservedNames) => string;

  // responseBodySuffix: ["Data", "Result", "Output"],
  // or
  // responseBodyNameResolver: (typeName, reservedNames) => string;

  // responseErrorSuffix: ["Error", "Fail", "Fails", "ErrorData", "HttpError", "BadResponse"],
  // or
  // responseErrorNameResolver: (typeName, reservedNames) => string;

docs: update docs for extraTemplates option
fix: problem with default name of single api file (Api.ts)
fix: problem based with tuple types (#445)
fix: problem with defaultResponseType declaration type

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