npm sveltekit-superforms 2.9.0

latest releases: 2.23.1, 2.23.0, 2.22.1...
11 months ago

Migration guide:
More detailed list of what's new:


  • "SPA action mode", the SPA option can now take a string, corresponding to a form action, and it will post there, even without a html form on the page. Especially useful for debounced server checks like available usernames. Example here


  • Fixed types for constraints, tainted and errors when using intersections and unions in schemas.
  • Fixed SuperDebug collapsed height by preventing global css leak.
  • Redirect in SPA mode cancelled normal redirects, preventing applyAction.
  • Default objects sent to superForm returned a form with an empty id, causing collisions, it is now a random string.
  • customValidity didn't clear without client-side validators.

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