npm sveltekit-superforms 2.24.0

one day ago


  • Exported SuperValidateOptions type.
  • Exported MergeUnion, MergeFormUnion and a mergeFormUnion utility, for handling discriminated unions in forms.


  • Fixed diff algorithm problem with tainted objects.
  • Prevented crash when custom validity doesn't exist for an element.
  • dateProxy didn't restore properly with snapshots.
  • Fixed JSON Schema for simple adapters with empty arrays.


  • Bumped TypeBox peerDep requirement to 0.34.28.
  • Bumped Effect peerDep requirement to 3.13.7.
  • Bumped Valibot peerDep requirement to 1.0.0-rc.3.
  • Bumped Zod peerDep requirement to 3.24.2.


  • The flashMessage option is now deprecated, since SvelteKit has moved to $app/state instead of $app/stores, making it hard to support both. Use sveltekit-flash-message directly (setFlash or redirect) instead of integrating it with Superforms, it's less complicated as well.

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