npm stylelint 15.5.0

latest releases: 16.6.1, 16.6.0, 16.5.0...
14 months ago
  • Added: ignore: ["consecutive-duplicates-with-different-syntaxes"] to declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties (#6772) (@kimulaco).
  • Added: ignoreProperties: [] to declaration-block-no-duplicate-custom-properties (#6773) (@mattxwang).
  • Added: raw regex support to ignoreProperties for declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties (#6764) (@ybiquitous).
  • Fixed: block-no-empty false positives with non-whitespace characters (#6782) (@ybiquitous).
  • Fixed: color-function-notation false positives for namespaced imports (#6774) (@mattxwang).
  • Fixed: custom-property-empty-line-before false positives for CSS-in-JS (#6767) (@ybiquitous).
  • Fixed: media-feature-range-notation parse error (#6760) (@fpetrakov).
  • Fixed: CLI help improvements (#6783) (@ybiquitous).

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