npm strapi 3.0.0-rc.1

latest releases: 3.6.11, 3.6.10, 3.6.9...
4 years ago

🎉 Do you want to test this pre-release? 🎉

You can run

npx create-strapi-app@rc my-test --quickstart


This pre-release contains breaking changes so you should not try migrating an existing app until we release the final v3.0.0 release with the migration guides.

For the curious ones out there, here are a few more details:

💅 Enhancement

🐛 Bug fix

  • [plugin:graphql] 💥 Ignore private fields input on user register (#6047) @gfpacheco
  • [plugin:users-permissions] fix vk providers (#5783) @sulakin
  • [plugin:users-permissions] 💥 in register, response will only include jwt if email confirmation is false (#6192) @ramigs

🚀 New feature

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