npm source-map-explorer 2.3.0

latest releases: 2.5.3, 2.5.2, 2.5.1...
4 years ago

🚀 Enhancements

  • #113 Calculate gzip sizes. CLI/API got gzip option/parameter that enables calculating gzip size (gzip-size package is used) instead of parsed size. Calculating gzip size makes impossible to calculate unmapped bytes because the sum of gzip sizes is not equal to total bytes due to the nature of compression. Therefore setting gzip = true/--gzip will also set onlyMapped = true. Thanks to @tylergraf for the contribution!
  • #137 Collapse non-contributing directories

🐛 Bug fixes

  • #160 Fix coverages for inlined code exclusion. Thanks to @aholachek for the contribution!
  • #158 Version 2.2 too slow


  • bundle-wizard - Easier analysis of webapp entry points (uses source-map-explorer under the hood)

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