npm 26.0.0

latest releases: 34.3.4, 34.3.3, 34.3.2...
21 months ago

26.0.0 - 2022-09-23

Hi and welcome to 26.0.0! There's a couple of small fixes and additions and one breaking change. You are only affected by the breaking change if you used to use --graphite.perIteration (sending data for all iterations to Graphite) or if you used --graphite.skipSummary (do not send summary information). Please read the changed section if you are affected!

When you upgrade to 26.0.0 you will have an easier way of sending data per run to Graphite, there will be a blog post better explaining how you can use it.


Sending metrics per run to Graphite:

  • The default setup did miss a lot of important performance metrics, so you needed to set them up yourself. That is fixed in this PR.
  • There where a lot of data sent from PageXray, third party and the coach per run. That was not smart since those metrics rarely change between runs and take a lot of space. This PR sets default so none of those metrics are sent
  • We introduce a limited set of run metrics from Browsertime (visual metrics and Google Web Vitals and a couple of more) that can be used when sending data per run. This will help you keep track of those metrics together with the default median/min/max values. More info coming up. It's enabled by default, disable it with --browsertime.limitedRunData false
  • Sending data per run to Graphite was broken: We sent a new key per run meaning it will take up a lot of extra space in Graphite. With this fix we send them under the run key. That way we can configure Graphite to keep data under that key that happened every 20 s (or however fast it takes to do one run) and then automatically remove the data after a week.
  • Graphite configuration --graphite.perIteration and --graphite.skipSummary is removed. You can now configure which data to send to Graphite by using --graphite.messages. By default we send pageSummary (data summarised per URL) and summary (data summarised per domain). If you want to send pageSummary and run data (data for each run) you can do that with by adding --graphite.messages run --graphite.messages pageSummary.
  • We removed the possibility to send VisualProgress and videoRecordingStart data to the datasource since that is something you do not need there.
  • We updated Grafana and the Graphite container to latest versions. The Graphite container contains storage-schemas.conf configuration that is a good default:
pattern = ^sitespeed_io\.crux\.
retentions = 1d:1y

pattern = ^sitespeed_io\.(.*)\.(.*)\.run\.
retentions = 20s:8d

pattern = ^sitespeed_io\.
retentions = 30m:40d

When you send data per run to Graphite it is stored every 20 second (do not make runs more often than that) and saved for 8 days. If you test many URLs this can still be a lot of data so use to calculate how much space you need.

See PR #3721.


  • Checkout the pre built Raspberry Pi image for running tests on your Android phone.
  • Upgraded to Firefox 105 and Edge 105 in the Docker container.
  • Upgraded to Browsertime 16.16.0
  • Include --preURL information in the latest storer info #3729.


  • Fix graphite.sendAnnotation option #3726.
  • Show timestamp when each run happens on the run page #3730.


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