npm sanity 3.12.0

latest releases: 3.44.1-canary.30, 3.44.1-canary.21, 3.44.1-canary.11...
12 months ago

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npm create sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio, run this command in its folder:

npm install sanity@latest

✨ Highlights

Custom block, inlineBlock and annotation form components

Adds support for block, inlineBlock and annotation form components. You can now write plugins or create workspace configuration that change how these types are rendered in the studio

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes a regression that broke document-level readOnly
  • Fixes a bug that caused conditional field callbacks inside fieldsets to get passed a wrong parent value
  • Improves deep linking to the Portable Text Input for visual editing
  • Fixes an issue where @sanity/block-tools would remove whitespace from <pre> tags
  • Fixes an issue that could sometimes cause newly inserted array items to be immediately removed

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Per-Kristian Nordnes feature(core): Add support for block form components in config and plugins (#4327) 3527b6c
Robin Pyon chore(test-studio): add a debug case for patching custom input components aaa74c0
Fred Carlsen fix(block-tools): preserve whitespace in preprocess for certain html tags (#4540) 4848781
Bjørge Næss fix(perf): add flag to list known test ids (#4553) 981b99f
Bjørge Næss refactor(util): rename isEmpty => isDeepEmpty and deprecate old name e37be4a
Bjørge Næss test(util): add tests for isDeepEmpty 4ecf667
Bjørge Næss refactor(util): expose isShallowEmptyObject util 605d716
Bjørge Næss fix(form): check for shallow emptyness instead of deep when determining whether a patch should unset the value f2e16ff
Per-Kristian Nordnes refactor(core/form/inputs): PT-input track irregular span node focusPath (#4557) 86bffd7
Per-Kristian Nordnes refactor(portable-text-editor): improve onPaste typings (#4544) 0909774
Bjørge Næss fix(form): pass the correct data to conditional fields contained inside fieldsets (#4556) a08334f
Bjørge Næss fix(form): fix bug making fields not inherit document level readOnly state (#4558) 6f5578d
Knut Melvær chore: fix installation command in release note template (#4550) 0d3c5b3

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