npm recharts 2.3.0

latest releases: 2.13.0-alpha.4, 2.13.0-alpha.3, 2.13.0-alpha.2...
17 months ago

What's Changed

For the full list of changes between v2.2.0 and v2.3.0 please see the v2.3.0-alpha.0 and the v2.3.0-alpha.1 release notes.


  • fix: patch d3 libraries with victory-vendor to fix security vulnerability, failing test by @ckifer in #3167
    • SECURITY VULNERABILITY FIX 🎉: used victory-vendor to replace esm only versions of d3 with cjs compatible versions from victory. We will introduce a breaking change in 3.0 to move back to esm only d3 libraries.
  • memoize responsive container functions and fix bug using previous values in setState - 3214d14



jest migration

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