npm recharts 2.14.0

latest releases: 2.15.0, 2.14.1
17 days ago

What's Changed

Small release to get new top level chart events out there. Still working on 3.x, a little slower right now because of the holidays.


  • Area/Line/Bar/Scatter/Pie/Radar/RadialBar/Funnel Chart components: add support for top level onContextMenu and onDoubleClick events #5254 by @abarreau in #5255


Typescript fixes

  • LabelList: dataKey prop for LabelList should accept any object by @ckifer in #5252
  • Pie: PieSectorDataItem.payload should be an object rather than an array by @BTOdell in #5263

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.13.3...v2.14.0

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