Bug Fixes
- #759 (#759) - Disable tooltip when disable prop changes (8e9cca0 (8e9cca0))
- *aftershow: call afterShow only after state has fully updated (54752e8 (54752e8))
- effect and type not properly applied at first render (a8d0e51 (a8d0e51))
- getposition: no error when all placements outside (249b925 (249b925))
- performance issue caused by excessive use of clearTimeout/Interval (22aea50 (22aea50))
- react18: tip not hiding with React 18 StrictMode enabled (83b72c6 (83b72c6))
- set aria-describedby value wrong when custom id (a04d26c (a04d26c))
- component: adding "padding" property to customize padding style (9ae765a (9ae765a))
- getposition: support desired-place-list (by priority) (982d89d (982d89d))
- parent_body_mode: #535 (#535) search parents for data-tip if in body mode (71da348 (71da348))
- pencil: readme updated to trigger next minor release (react 18 support release) (bb9c79e (bb9c79e))
- pencil: readme updated to trigger next minor release (react 18 support release) (3a6ec6c (3a6ec6c))