npm react-test-renderer 17.0.0
17.0.0 (October 20, 2020)

latest releases: 0.0.0-experimental-f38c22b244-20240704, 19.0.0-rc-f38c22b244-20240704, 0.0.0-experimental-3da26163a3-20240704...
3 years ago

Today, we are releasing React 17!

Learn more about React 17 and how to update to it on the official React blog.


React DOM

  • Delegate events to roots instead of document. (@trueadm in #18195 and others)
  • Clean up all effects before running any next effects. (@bvaughn in #17947)
  • Run useEffect cleanup functions asynchronously. (@bvaughn in #17925)
  • Use browser focusin and focusout for onFocus and onBlur. (@trueadm in #19186)
  • Make all Capture events use the browser capture phase. (@trueadm in #19221)
  • Don't emulate bubbling of the onScroll event. (@gaearon in #19464)
  • Throw if forwardRef or memo component returns undefined. (@gaearon in #19550)
  • Remove event pooling. (@trueadm in #18969)
  • Stop exposing internals that won’t be needed by React Native Web. (@necolas in #18483)
  • Attach all known event listeners when the root mounts. (@gaearon in #19659)
  • Disable console in the second render pass of DEV mode double render. (@sebmarkbage in #18547)
  • Deprecate the undocumented and misleading ReactTestUtils.SimulateNative API. (@gaearon in #13407)
  • Rename private field names used in the internals. (@gaearon in #18377)
  • Don't call User Timing API in development. (@gaearon in #18417)
  • Disable console during the repeated render in Strict Mode. (@sebmarkbage in #18547)
  • In Strict Mode, double-render components without Hooks too. (@eps1lon in #18430)
  • Allow calling ReactDOM.flushSync during lifecycle methods (but warn). (@sebmarkbage in #18759)
  • Add the code property to the keyboard event objects. (@bl00mber in #18287)
  • Add the disableRemotePlayback property for video elements. (@tombrowndev in #18619)
  • Add the enterKeyHint property for input elements. (@eps1lon in #18634)
  • Warn when no value is provided to <Context.Provider>. (@charlie1404 in #19054)
  • Warn when memo or forwardRef components return undefined. (@bvaughn in #19550)
  • Improve the error message for invalid updates. (@JoviDeCroock in #18316)
  • Exclude forwardRef and memo from stack frames. (@sebmarkbage in #18559)
  • Improve the error message when switching between controlled and uncontrolled inputs. (@vcarl in #17070)
  • Keep onTouchStart, onTouchMove, and onWheel passive. (@gaearon in #19654)
  • Fix setState hanging in development inside a closed iframe. (@gaearon in #19220)
  • Fix rendering bailout for lazy components with defaultProps. (@jddxf in #18539)
  • Fix a false positive warning when dangerouslySetInnerHTML is undefined. (@eps1lon in #18676)
  • Fix Test Utils with non-standard require implementation. (@just-boris in #18632)
  • Fix onBeforeInput reporting an incorrect event.type. (@eps1lon in #19561)
  • Fix event.relatedTarget reported as undefined in Firefox. (@claytercek in #19607)
  • Fix "unspecified error" in IE11. (@hemakshis in #19664)
  • Fix rendering into a shadow root. (@Jack-Works in #15894)
  • Fix movementX/Y polyfill with capture events. (@gaearon in #19672)
  • Use delegation for onSubmit and onReset events. (@gaearon in #19333)
  • Improve memory usage. (@trueadm in #18970)

React DOM Server

  • Make useCallback behavior consistent with useMemo for the server renderer. (@alexmckenley in #18783)
  • Fix state leaking when a function component throws. (@pmaccart in #19212)

React Test Renderer

Concurrent Mode (Experimental)


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