npm react-refresh 0.4.1

latest releases: 0.0.0-experimental-6d3110b4d9-20240531, 0.16.0-rc-6d3110b4d9-20240531, 0.0.0-experimental-9d4fba0788-20240530...
4 years ago


  • setState callbacks are now executed in the scope of your component.
  • click events now work on Mobile Safari.
  • Prevent a potential error in event handling if Object.prototype is extended.
  • Don't set DOM attributes to the string "undefined" on update when previously defined.
  • Improved support for <iframe> attributes.
  • Added checksums to detect and correct cases where server-side rendering markup mismatches what React expects client-side.


  • Improved environment detection so it can be run in a non-browser environment.

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