npm react-native-share 3.0.0
Auto-Linking, react-native 0.61.5 support and Stories share

latest releases: 10.2.1, 10.2.0, 10.1.0...
4 years ago

This release focus on making possible using the auto link and default support for react-native 0.61.5🎉

Also we bring back share for Instagram Stories at iOS, thanks for @hbarylskyi 📷 , sharing to Snapchat 👻 on Android ,as well as various fixes and implementations. 🎉 🎉 🎉

You can check the full changelog here:

958ab6c - Update react-native to 0.61.5 (Frieder Bluemle)
1b3d315 - Update react-native to 0.61.4 (#637) (Frieder Bluemle)
c7287a3 - Update and fix Gradle setup (#588) (Frieder Bluemle)
25f5de6 - set useNativeDriver explicitly for Animations (#633) (James Adams)
86daf53 - correctly type image source (#632) (James Adams)
d88e542 - fix: added missing "v" to source field in podspec (#619) (mdstroebel)
736a8ac - iOS 13: Resolve promise if ShareSheet is manually dismissed (#607) (Tom Targosz)
9ad3436 - fix: remove uncessary tools replace on build gradle (luancurti)
4e78f35 - chore(lint): fixing lint errors (MateusAndrade)
56f50cc - fix: instagram-stories build failure (hbarylskyi)
6bacbcd - revert back instagram stories feature (hbarylskyi)
72d5c05 - Makes sharing with Snapchat work on Android (#464) (Dmitry Negodyaev)
4b57156 - Fixed validate error (Arjan Zuidema)
7cd7c8a - Removed react-native Share dependency (Arjan Zuidema)
d4afbe9 - Only call successCallback when completed is true (Tom Targosz)
44efbdb - Update Gradle wrapper to 5.6.2 (Frieder Bluemle)
7f125ea - Send email to predefined email address (Valio)
f6c6105 - fix: update jest to fix known security vulnerabilities (#577) (Mike Hardy)
4849290 - fix: remove redundant dependency (Mike Hardy)
1d7bf06 - fix: use the template support version (Mike Hardy)
bdee601 - chore: use older flow package, run yarn (Mike Hardy)
70b0fa3 - chore: fix react version to template versions (Mike Hardy)
8542652 - fix: remove non-template gradle properties caching/parallel (Mike Hardy)
81bf561 - chore: update gradle wrapper and distribution to 3.5.0/5.6.1-all (Mike Hardy)
5c8b2e3 - fix: remove version from flowconfig (Mike Hardy)
5d459e7 - chore: update gradle in main project (Mike Hardy)
2ccc244 - chore: update dependencies and actually port example to RN60 (Mike Hardy)
c2b6124 - Comply to UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate to suppress warning (jnpdx)
7636ebe - Fix xcode warnings (jnpdx)
abad39d - fix: social should be optional in android (Mike Hardy)
c059561 - Added possibility to add file name (olegM)
8359e6f - fix missing path (#562) (xliank)
43fe0b5 - chore(ShareIntent): indentation fix (shubham deol)
3b9f80d - Fix (Shubham Choudhary)
4050190 - update (Shubham Choudhary)
018d2a3 - chore: Adding es6 default export e export with destructing (MateusAndrade)

Thanks for everyone that helped us out with this release(that ended up taking a long time 😅). Please, let us know if you find anything that might be a breaking change or a bug.

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