Moved Amazon readme to the docs folder
Separated "Support us" doc to it's own file for better visibility
Breaking Change: removed deprecated method: consumeAllItemsAndroid
, alternative flushFailedPurchasesCachedAsPendingAndroid
has been available for a while. Also removed refreshItems
from android native modules since they were only used by this deprecated method
Breaking Change: Methods that are suffixed by Android
or iOS
will now fail if called in the wrong platform instead of returnning a default value.
Breaking Change: Removed finishTransactionIOS
, consumePurchaseAndroid
and acknowledgePurchaseAndroid
. They have been replaced by ``finishTransaction` since version 4.1.0
Breaking Change: (Only if you were using the native iOS module directly) iOS Native Method canMakePayments
was renamed to initConnection
to match the other platforms.
Resolve to false when playservices not available #1447
Fix crash on android request Purchase #1452
Added monolinter and fixed inconsistent dependency versions #1444
HUGE THANKS TO @andresesfm again!