npm react-native-device-info 8.0.0
v8.0.0 - Xcode 12 required, play services optional

latest releases: 11.1.0, 11.0.0, 10.14.0...
3 years ago


  • BREAKING(ios, xcode): Xcode 12 required with #1137. Use 7.3.2 if you must use outdated Xcode (#1151)
  • feat(android, hms/gms): add ability to run without play services (#1156, thanks @saghul!)

7.4.0 was inadvertently breaking. I hadn't realized any iOS developers failed to update Xcode to stable
after an Xcode release. For a variety of reasons, you should always keep Xcode up to date, nevertheless
dropping Xcode 11 support is breaking. Update your Xcode or use 7.3.2.

Automated changelog below

  • docs(CHANGELOG): prepare release notes for 8.0.0 993dc8a
  • feat(android, gms/hms): make gms dependency optional (#1156) 01f90ed
  • chore(ci, windows): add retry around remote resource installs c6f03b6
  • chore(example): patch up and run it 2c6302f
  • chore(example): delete react-native <= 59 script f7b0381
  • docs(README): purge README of outdated linking material c31b287


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