npm react-native-code-push 1.17.3-beta

latest releases: 7.0.5, 7.0.4, 7.0.3...
7 years ago

This is a small bug fix release. Thank you to @ymusiychuk-lohika, @buptkang, @abodalevsky, @max-mironov, @sergey-akhalkov, @timscott and @legalosLOTR for your contributions since the last release!

Bug Fixes (Android)

  1. Fix build issues by reverting Android SDK Build Tools version to 23.0.1, the version specified in the React Native docs.
  2. Address Flow type checking error caused by CodePush hash file being named CodePushHash.json despite not containing JSON.

Bug Fixes (Windows)

  1. Fix an exception caused by the destination folder already existing when unzipping packages.
  2. Fix an exception thrown when the ProcessorID property cannot be determined.

Note that support for react-native@0.43.0 is coming, and will be introduced in v2.0.0-beta!

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