npm react-native-code-push 1.10.1-beta

latest releases: 7.0.5, 7.0.4, 7.0.3...
8 years ago

This release primarily improves some of the fundamentals of CodePush for Android and deepens our integration with RNPM (we hope to do more more in the future!). It is now available on NPM and can be updated immediately by running npm i --save react-native-code-push@latest.

New Features (Android)

  1. App restarts are now much smoother for the end user Previously, when an app was restarted in order to apply a CodePush update, we would stop and re-start the Activity that represented the current React Native app. While this method worked, it had the effect of being a fairly obtrusive user experience. This release improves the restart by doing a reload of the React Native bridge, which is able to re-use the existing Activity and simply results in a quick "flash" when reloading the new JS bundle file. This experience mirrors what we already have on iOS and should be a lot nicer for your users.

  2. RNPM-based installs now generate the CodePush package code correctly When you run rpm link react-native-code-push, it will update your MainActivity class with the right constructor call to the CodePush class (instead of generating new CodePush() which isn't a valid signature), which further simplifies the installation experience.

  3. RNPM-based installs now prompt you for your CodePush deployment key If you're using RNPM >=1.6.0 (we recommend it!), when you run rpm link react-native-code-push, you will be prompted for your Android deployment key, which will be used to auto-populate your MainActivity file. You can choose to ignore this for now and specify it later using our configuration instructions. We hope to add support for iOS as soon as RNPM allows automating the creation of Info.plist entries.

    Install prompt

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