npm react-dnd 7.7.0
Revert 'module' field in package.json files

latest releases: 16.0.1, 16.0.0, 15.1.2...
4 years ago

The package.json files for the react-dnd libraries contained a "module" field which was used to identify where the ES Module roots began. These fields were added with the intent of supporting CommonJS module loading (the de-facto NodeJS module system) simultaneously with the ES Module loading system (the emerging standard for JavaScript modules).

Unfortunately this change resulted in a lot of build headaches for users then their module bundlers started defaulting to using the ES Module roots.

This release reverts that change and leaves the v7 branch of React-Dnd as primarily using CommonJS. ES Module builds are still available under the esm/ folders, but it is up to users to use them at their own discretion.

In v8, ES Modules are used as the default module system. CommonJS-based packages are still available however in react-dnd-cjs, and react-dnd-html5-backend-cjs

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