npm pyright 1.1.391
Published 1.1.391

17 hours ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that results in a crash under certain circumstances when Self is errantly specialized.
  • Fixed bug that leads to incorrect evaluations when a ClassVar and Final qualifier are both used on the same dataclass attribute.
  • Fixed bug that leads to a hang when returning a tuple from a lambda argument expression in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed bug that results in incorrect evaluation of a generic dataclass entry when the entry is defined by a generic subclass.
  • Fixed bug that leads to a false positive error when --verifytypes is used and a subclass overrides an attribute that is generic in the base class.
  • Fixed bug that results in the command-line version of pyright not handling long file lists provided via stdin.
  • Fixed bug that results in spurious type evaluation error when an operator overload method like __add__ is implemented with a descriptor object.
  • Fixed bug that results in confusing error messages when using --verifytypes while targeting a submodule within a package and that submodule is a single-file module.
  • Fixed recent regression in isinstance type narrowing logic that affects the case where the filter type is a metaclass.
  • Fixed bug that results in order-dependent type errors under certain circumstances involving converter functions in a dataclass.


  • Improved error message for incorrect exception type in an except clause.
  • Added exemption to the reportUnnecessaryComparison rule for simple wildcard patterns in a case clause.

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