npm pyright 1.1.39
Published 1.1.39

latest releases: 1.1.369, 1.1.368, 1.1.367...
4 years ago

New Feature: Added support for Python 3.9 "Annotated" feature described in PEP 593.

Enhancement: Expanded special-case code in parser to handle t.Literal (as well as typing.Literal) as a way of identifying use of the built-in "Literal" symbol.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in binder that caused targets of assignment expressions (walrus operator) to appear as "Unknown" type in some cases.

Enhancement: Added support for module-level getattr method, used in type stubs to indicate incomplete definitions.

Behavior Change: Removed reportTypeshedErrors diagnostic rule. It no longer makes sense given how errors are being reported.

Bug Fix: Fixed regression introduced in 1.1.38 that caused type analysis errors to be reported for source files that "shadow" type stub files for the purpose of displaying doc strings. These errors were not only displayed but were persistent even after the file was closed in the editor.

Enhancement: Changed the type of "self" and "cls" parameters to use synthesized type variables that are bound to the type of the enclosing class. This allows subclasses to call these methods and replace self and cls with their own subclass type.

New Feature: Implemented support for Python 3.9 TypeAlias feature as described in PEP 613.

Bug Fix: Added logic to avoid using unreachable assignments when inferring the effective type of a variable. This avoids creating false cycles when resolving types for symbols that depend on each other.

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