npm pyright 1.1.388
Published 1.1.388

5 hours ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that results in a false positive when a class is defined within a generic function and uses type parameters from that function.
  • Fixed a bug that results in unexpected constraint solver results in certain cases involving arguments with lambda expressions.
  • Fixed bug that results in false positive under certain circumstances involving classes parameterized with a contravariant type variable.
  • Fixed bug that results in incorrect evaluation of class variables assigned in an __init_subclass__ or __class_getitem__ method. These methods are implicitly class methods even though they are not decorated with @classmethod.
  • Removed recent check for illegal identifiers used in alias for dataclass_transform field. This isn't an illegal condition, so the resulting error was a false positive. Instead, changed completion provider to not suggest the illegal identifier as a valid keyword argument.


  • Enhanced the special-case logic for functools.partial so it handles the case where the function has a **kwargs parameter typed with an unpacked TypedDict.
  • Improved the synthesized type of the keys, values and items methods on a closed TypedDict to provide a more precise (narrower) type for the key values.
  • Improved the handling of a TypeVar whose definition involves a circular definition.
  • Added check for __slots__ initialization when the __slots__ list is empty and the class is marked @final.

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