npm pyright 1.1.32
Published 1.1.32

latest releases: 1.1.361, 1.1.360, 1.1.359...
4 years ago

Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to latest version from typeshed repo.

Bug Fix: Fixed small bug in signature helper provider.

Bug Fix: Fixed crashing bug when type checker encountered a dictionary comprehension that was not the first entry in a dictionary literal.

Enhancement: Added syntax error for comprehensions used within set or dictionary literal that are not the first and only entry.

Bug Fix: Removed code that verifies that a slice object has ranges defined by 'int' types. Slices can support other types as well.

Enhancement: Added type narrowing logic for conditionals that involve comparisons between Literal expressions such as "animal: Literal['cow', 'horse'] \ if animal == 'cow'"

New Feature: Implemented new setting "pyright.disableOrganizeImports".

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in constructor argument validation logic. If there was no init or new method in the class, argument expressions were not being evaluated. This led to errant "unreferenced symbol" errors.

Bug Fix: Fixed type checker's handling of "yield from" statement. It wasn't correctly handling iterable expressions.

Enhancement: Added code to validate that type arguments used to specialize a generic union type alias match the type variable constraints and bounds. Also validated that the correct number of type arguments are provided in this case.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug where unresolved imports with alias (i.e. "import x as y") resulted in errant "y is unbound" errors if y was used in an execution scope other than the one in which the import was located (e.g. within a function).

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in function signature code that caused incorrect errors to be reported related to function overload resolution.

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