npm pyright 1.1.287
Published 1.1.287

latest releases: 1.1.391, 1.1.390, 1.1.389...
2 years ago

Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error in parser when an assignment expression (walrus operator) is used in a subscript list without parentheses. This was a syntax error in Python 3.8 and 3.9 but is allowed in 3.10 and newer.

Bug Fix: Fixed regression that caused an incorrect type evaluation in the presence of a doubly-nested loop.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that sometimes resulted in incorrect type evaluation of tuple expressions used within a loop.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the import cycle detection logic that led to some false negatives.

Enhancement: Addressed type evaluation performance issue by eliminating separate "incomplete type cache" and combining it with the primary type cache.

Enhancement: Improved error reporting for type mismatch involving a return type that is a TypedDict.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive error when resolving nested overloaded function calls where the correct overload match depends on bidirectional type inference.

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