npm pyright 1.1.243
Published 1.1.243

latest releases: 1.1.369, 1.1.368, 1.1.367...
2 years ago

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when referencing a descriptor object that is stored as an instance variable.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect import resolution in a library that you are debugging locally if that library is also installed in the current Python environment and the library includes stub (".pyi") files.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in false positive errors during protocol matching when a generic protocol derives from another generic protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed a long-standing bug in protocol matching where results were evaluation-order-dependent in cases where a generic source class included a method with an inferred return type that was dependent on one or more TypeVars. If the return type was not inferred and cached prior to protocol matching, it was improperly specialized.

Enhancement: Added check for illegal use of ClassVar within a TypeAlias declaration.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive error when performing protocol matching with a property whose getter included a custom type annotation for its self parameter.

Bug Fix: Fixed a recent regression that broke list and dictionary inference in cases where bidirectional type inference was used with an expected type that included a TypeVar that was bound to a literal type or a union of literals.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when function return type inference resulted in various recursive cases.

Bug Fix: Fixed long-standing bug that resulted in incorrect code flow analysis and type evaluation when handling some forms of NoReturn calls. There are still some limitations though; for example, it doesn't handle overloaded functions that return NoReturn for some argument lists.

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