npm pyright 1.1.242
Published 1.1.242

latest releases: 1.1.389, 1.1.388, 1.1.387...
2 years ago

Performance: Improved performance of import cycle check by adding caching.

Enhancement: Removed limitation that Literal must be imported directly from typing or typing_extensions. It can now be re-exported from another library, although analysis performance will suffer a bit in that case.

Enhancement: Improved error message for CLI version of pyright when it is passed a file that is not a Python source file.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in infinite recursion and a crash in rare circumstances involving a self parameter annotation that referred to its own class.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in inconsistent type evaluation depending on evaluation ordering when a parameter or return type annotation involved a | (union) operator.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in wrong ordering of type parameters in a generic protocol if Protocol[...] was meant to specify an explicit ordering, similar to the way Generic[...] specify an explicit ordering.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that led to inconsistent type evaluation results when the code flow engine determined that an expression was unreachable. The results differed depending on whether there was a branch between the expression and point of the graph that was unreachable.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in stub generator that resulted in code that was syntactically incorrect when an index subscript contained an extra "hanging" comma.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the stub generator logic that produced syntactically incorrect code when the source file contained a function with a position-only separator in its signature.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false positive "reportOverlappingOverload" error when the return type of two overlapping overloads both used a generic return type.

Enhancement: Extended type guard for discriminated literal fields to support properties.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in expression printer for lambda expressions. It was not properly printing a position-only separator.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when using a generic type alias with an instantiable class (as opposed to a class instance) when the TypeVar used within that type alias was bound to a type[x].

Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.

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