npm pyright 1.1.228
Published 1.1.228

latest releases: 1.1.387, 1.1.386, 1.1.385...
2 years ago

Bug Fix: Improved "reportUnnecessaryComparison" diagnostic check so it catches more cases.

Performance: Fixed performance bug that was causing a significant slowdown when evaluating highly nested call expressions especially when there are argument errors in the innermost expressions.

Enhancement: Extended support for narrowing of index expressions to include those with negative subscripts, such as a[-1]. This is supported for all supported type guard patterns.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive error when using typing.Self in an inner function defined within an outer method.

Enhancement: Added negative type narrowing support for sequence patterns in match statements.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in negative type narrowing for class patterns in match statements when the class in the class pattern is one of the designated "special built-in classes" specified in PEP 634 and a class argument is specified.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect TypeVar resolution when the TypeVar was used in a Type[T] type expression, was constrained, and two of the constraints overlapped in type.

Bug Fix: Fixed an edge case in the code flow engine that theoretically could result in incorrect type evaluation.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the code flow engine that resulted in inconsistent type evaluation depending on order of evaluation in some cases where a variable is modified in a loop.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a stack overflow when evaluating unions with large numbers of subtypes.

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