Today, we are issuing the 5.7.1
patch release.
This patch fixes multiple small problems in our relationJoins
preview feature. If you ran into problems when testing relationJoins
before, please give it another go with 5.7.1 and share your feedback or create a bug report if you encounter any issues.
Fixes in Prisma Client
: Int[] return as nullrelationJoins
: fails when filtering includes by isNot: nullrelationJoins
: "The table (not available) does not exist in the current database."relationJoins
: PostgresError { code: "54023", message: "cannot pass more than 100 arguments to a function", severity: "ERROR", detail: None, column: None, hint: None }relationJoins
: Inconsistent column data: Unexpected conversion failure from String to datetime. Reason: $trailing input